Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

So, I started tutoring last night, two fifth graders. It went well. I hope it continues to go well. The mom put a little whiteboard up in the kitchen for me. I feel like I havent been to school is so long. Last week, I didnt go to school because of the viewing and this week we have off for Veteran's Day. I am just about all caught up in my school work also. I have one big project to do. It is an inquiry project. We have to use students to research something. I picked something. I wanted to ask the students about homework. Why they think the teachers give it to them and why they dont turn it in, etc. But my professor said that is not good. Then I looked at the list of sample questions and there it was. My question was on the list of sample questions. I emailed him back and told him but he said that that sample question was not a good example! I already made my survey and "piloted" it, like I am supposed to.
So now I have to start all over. Sucks.

Today is Veteran's Day. Take some time to think about the soldiers who fought for us.
Today in History:
1918 - WWI ends.
1921 - The Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated
1942 - The draft age is lowered to 18.