Today I am at Downey High, substituting. I found a little booklet of “First Day Activities.” I really liked this one. I wrote it down and then decided to fill it out myself (anything to stay occupied).
-5 Significant People in shaping your life other than your parents
1. Heather, my sister, she has taught me so much about strength and courage.
2. Meghan, who has always been there for me, since we were like 7 years old, we have been friends and we will be until we are 107!
3. Cassie, I can not begin to explain the way Cassie has helped to shape my life. Just suffice it to say, my life would be very different without her presence.
4. The CG's. They know who they are and why they are significant! I love them!
5. My aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. They have shown me strength, weakness, individuality and courage. Without them I would be different.
-5 Significant Events that have affected You
1. Something personal that I am not choosing to share.
2. My mom’s death.
3. 9/11
4. Being accepted to CSULB
5. Being a Grand Bethel Girl
-5 Possessions or Books that are important to you.
1. My teddy bear, Softy.
2. My pictures of my friends and family.
3. The ring my mom gave me.
4. The ring my dad gave me.
5. The book Tuesdays with Morrie, first book to make me cry.
-5 Long Term Factors that Identify You (i.e. race, gender, birth order, etc)
1. First born, I was often put in charge.
2. Freckles
3. “White”
4. Spirit/Pride
5. Reading
-5 Single Adjectives that Describe You
1. Sweet
2. Caring
3. Timid
4. Silly
5. Creative
-5 Topics You Know a Lot About
1. Job’s Daughters
2. Breast Cancer Awareness
3. Cooking
4. World War II
5. History, in general
3 Adjectives You want College Admission Directors to Write on Your Folder
1. Determined
2. Worthy
3. Ready
Interesting Things that Happened Today:
1945 : United States forces liberated a concentration camp in Buchenwald, Germany today. Over Twenty thousand inmates were free today after its capture. Since 1933, approximately 200,000 persons doomed to sadistic death or a living hell passed through the gates of the electrically-charged barbed-wire enclosure as infamous as the camps at Dachau and Oranienburg
1968 : President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 , prohibiting housing discrimination and providing protection for civil rights workers. President Johnson, voicing outrage at the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King and the violence that followed it, has signed an historic open-housing bill, The new law will prohibit discrimination in 80 per cent of all housing sales and rentals by 1970
1970 : NASA launched Apollo 13 , America's third manned moon-landing mission, from Cape Kennedy, Florida today, Two days after launch, an oxygen tank on the spacecraft exploded, forcing the astronauts to abandon their mission. Although they had only a small supply of oxygen, water and power, the Apollo 13 crew managed to safely return to Earth in the spaceship's lunar module.
1997: Alyssa Pataky, passed away.
....or Get Off the Pot
7 years ago
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